March 29, 2014
Hello, Wonderfalls fans! In honor of the show's 10th anniversary -- which was on March 12, 2014 -- we're pleased to write our first update in almost nine years! We still love and miss Wonderfalls, and we're not alone -- here are some more sites where you can read about and discuss our beloved show.
Longtime fan Sarah Jade released What Is Wonderfalls? on the show's anniversary! The site features a show primer, an episode guide, clips from the show, and more. It's a great place to send Wonderfalls newbies or potential fans, or to visit if you want to reminisce about how much you loved Jaye and her muses.
(Thank you to Sarah Jade for hosting Save Wonderfalls, as well!)
In the summer of 2013, The A.V. Club published wonderful, in-depth recap/reviews of every Wonderfalls episode. You can find those on their page for the show here.
Finally, there is now a Wonderfalls forum at Previously.TV, the new site from the Television Without Pity founders! Want to reconnect with friends from the long-departed "Get Her Words Out" forum? Do that over at PTV!
July 6, 2005Eep, it's been a long time! We have some show news for you, but first:
WE FINALLY JUDGED (two of) THE CONTESTS! Click right here to check out the winning entries. We're really sorry it took so long.
Now for the show news: Starting July 28, Wonderfalls will be airing on LOGO, a new American gay/lesbian cable channel. The show has also just started airing on Sky One in the UK -- hello to all the new fans!
March 22, 2005
We're sorry about the delay in announcing the contest winners! We know who's won the art and campaigning contests, but we're waiting for Bryan Fuller to finish judging the writing competition (he has a lot to read and it's a busy time of year for him) before we can announce all the winners. Thanks for your patience!
In cast&crew-related; news: Popgurls recently posted a fun Caroline Dhavernas interview; it's definitely worth a read. Also, check out for information on his new series, The Inside (Wonderfalls' Katie Finneran recently joined the cast of the show, which has been described as "L.A. Confidential meets Silence of the Lambs"), and drop by TVTome for early info on Todd Holland's new show, Amy Coyne.
Also, Canada's Vision TV will be re-airing all 13 episodes of Wonderfalls at 9pm ET/PT Monday evenings starting April 4. Tune in if you want to see the episodes in fullscreen with their original music.
February 17, 2005
For anyone who's been wondering about DVD sales: according to this article, 25,000 sets have already been sold, surpassing everyone's expectations. We can do even better than that, though -- keep promoting the show, everybody!
We haven't forgotten about the contests. We're finishing up the judging and will have the results for you asap.
February 9, 2005
Thank you to the 16 people who entered our writing contest and the 21 people who entered our art one! Each of you should have received an e-mail confirming we received your entry; if you didn't, let us know. We'd also now like to announce that while the previously-named judges will still be narrowing the entries down to a top three in each category, Bryan Fuller will choose the winner and runner-up in the writing competition and Todd Holland will do the same for art. Thanks to the Wonderfalls creators for helping us out with the contests, and good luck to everyone who entered! We'll post the winning entries from those two contests (and the names of the "I Love You" contest winners) as soon as we can.
We'd also like to thank everyone who's purchased the Wonderfalls DVDs so far. As mentioned during the webcast on the 1st, the DVDs hit #4 in top sales on that day! Sales are still going strong, and many brick-and-mortar stores have had to order in new stock already. Let's make sure that keeps happening!
The release day webcast was a lot of fun -- Caroline Dhavernas, Lee Pace and Bill Sadler were on a webcam in New York, Tracie Thoms joined in via phone from San Francisco, and Bryan Fuller, Todd Holland, Scotch Ellis Loring, Tyron Leitso and SaveWonderfalls site-runner Amy (Cranberry) were on a webcam in Los Angeles. We know a lot of you missed the webcast, so the people at FOX are hoping to either make it available as a downloadable file or rebroadcast it so everyone can check it out. We'll post details as soon as we get them.
And last but definitely not least, if you missed Caroline Dhavernas's entertaining WGN Radio interview on January 30, you can download it here.
January 30, 2005
As promised, SaveWonderfalls is holding three separate contests to celebrate the DVD release. We have several signed scripts, signed DVD sets and possibly some other surprises to give away. All three contests will run from Tuesday, February 1 to Tuesday, February 8, and will be judged shortly after the closing date. You can enter more than one contest, and you can enter the same contest more than once (up to three entries is okay). The contests are:
The "get your words out" contest
This is an original writing contest. Send us a short story, a spec script, some fanfic, an essay, an epic poem... anything you like, as long as it's Wonderfalls-related. The only rules are that it has to be a finished piece, not a work in progress, and it has to be completely original (that is, it can't be published elsewhere, including on the SaveWonderfalls forums. If we've seen it before, it's automatically disqualified). Send your submission as a word or wordperfect attachment to [email protected], and specify in your subject line that it's an entry into the "get your words out" contest. This contest will be judged by Fox1013 and Cranberry.
The "take a picture!" contest
This is an original artwork contest. We want to see what you can come up with, whether it's fanart, a wallpaper, a postcard, a painting or sketch, a collage... you get the idea. Anything goes, as long as it's Wonderfalls-related (and, as in the above contest, it can't have been posted elsewhere -- if we've seen it before, it's out). Send your submission as a .jpg or .gif attachment to [email protected], and specify in your subject line that it's an entry into the "take a picture!" contest. This contest will be judged by PuppetOfLove.
The "I love you" contest
Love Wonderfalls? Show us by pimping the show big-time! We'll give a fabulous prize to the person or people (can you tell we haven't quite figured out prize distribution yet? Heh) who do the best job of promoting the show. All you have to do to enter this contest is post about your pimping accomplishments in the DVD Promotion forum at SaveWonderfalls. There's no need to specify you're entering the contest -- everyone who posts there is eligible. The people behind SaveWonderfalls, along with Ginger from Buzztone, will decide who's most worthy of a prize.
Winners of all three contests will be notified through e-mail, and will also have their work posted on SaveWonderfalls (or, in the case of the "I love you" contest, will be praised effusively on our site). Please post about this contest anywhere you think people would be interested -- we'd love to get a lot of great entries. Good luck, everyone!
January 27, 2005
After you all run out and buy your DVDs on February 1, you should check this out:
Wonderfalls Webcast
featuring cast, creators, and more
Tuesday, February 1st
3pm PT / 6pm ET
To participate, send your email address to [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation email before the webcast that provides log-in information. If you have questions you’d like answered by the cast/creators, please also include those in your email.
The webcast is free to watch, and it should be a lot of fun! If you have any questions about it, post them here and we'll get you the answers.
January 26, 2005
Less than a week until the release date, everyone! We'll have details about two contests (we're giving away signed scripts and DVD sets) and a special release day webcast up very soon, so stay tuned.
In other news, Caroline Dhavernas will be on Nick Digilio's show on WGN Radio 720 (Chicago) Sunday the 30th at 11pm Central time. If you don't live in Chicago, you can still listen online. Also, check out this great recent Bryan Fuller article from SuicideGirls! (It may not be work-safe.)
January 11, 2005
With only about three weeks left until the release date, it's time for us to start promoting the hell out of these DVDs! Ginger from Buzztone is managing online promotions for the DVDs, and she wants our help. If you have any promotion suggestions, please visit Ginger's thread on our official forums and let her know! She explains all the details there, but basically she wants fans to promote the DVDs in whatever way they can and tell her what they're doing -- she wants to show our efforts off to FOX and maybe give a few free sets away to the best promoters. It's important that these DVDs do well, so please help her out!
January 8, 2005
We are pleased to announce that the Museum of Television and Radio in New York is presenting a marathon screening of Wonderfalls later this month:
Marathon Screening
Falling for Wonderfalls
Including the Unaired Episodes!
NY-only: Saturday and Sunday, January 29 and 30, 2005,
at 12:30 p.m.
Despite critical acclaim, Wonderfalls -- a dramedy about an underachieving college graduate who works in a Niagara Falls gift shop and begins to hear inanimate objects speak to her -- was canceled after only four episodes. Fans rallied unsuccessfully to save the series that has been called smart, funny, and unique. Newcomer Caroline Dhavernas plays Jaye, whose meddlesome family and meaningless job push her to the edge of a life crisis.
The Museum will present a marathon screening of all thirteen episodes of the series, including nine that never aired. Wonderfalls will be released on DVD in February, a tribute to supporters who worked to keep it alive.
Well, we don't know how "unsuccessful" we were, considering we're getting DVDs and events like this one are happening, but it sounds like fun! We hope a lot of fans attend this event.
Also, if you'd like to read the official press release for the WF DVDs (we're mentioned!), you can do so here.
January 1, 2005
Happy New Year, everyone. The DVDs will be out in one month! Yay!
December 15, 2004
We just got word from Bryan Fuller that the Wonderfalls pilot, "Wax Lion," has been nominated for a Writers Guild of America award! It's nice to see that this great show is still being recognized more than eight months after its cancellation. The awards gala is being held on February 19, 2005, with simultaneous celebrations in Century City and New York.
ETA: Zap2it now has a story about the WGA awards up here. "Wax Lion" is nominated in the "Best Episodic Comedy" category, and is competing against episodes of Sex and the City, Arrested Development and Malcolm in the Middle. We think Wonderfalls should win, hands down, but we may be a little biased...
November 2, 2004
The Wonderfalls DVDs are now up for pre-order at for $27.99 US and at for $34.24 CDN. Yay!
November 1, 2004
A quick note on the aspect ratio of the episodes on DVD: the official press release claims they're going to be fullscreen, but Fox confirms that was a misprint. The episodes on the DVDs will be anamorphic widescreen versions.
October 28, 2004
We have good news and bad news. The good news: the DVD release was (finally!) officially announced today! The bad news: the release date has been changed yet again, this time to February 1, 2005.
In our last two updates, we showed you the cover art and the discs themselves. Now you can see the thinpak cases that hold the discs (note -- there are short episode descriptions on the back of the cases, so don't read them if you're avoiding spoilers):
First case (discs one and two) (alternate location here)
Second case (disc three) (alternate location here)
October 16, 2004
We've received permission to show you the Wonderfalls DVDs themselves, which match the cover art nicely. Check them out:
(If those links don't work for you, you can see them here: 1 2 3)
While we reported before that this would be a four-disc set, it turns out all the episodes and extras (a documentary, a visual effects featurette, a music video and six episode commentaries) fit on three discs and will be released that way instead.
October 15, 2004
Fox Home Entertainment has released the Wonderfalls DVD cover art -- you can see it here. The rest of the packaging also follows the viewmaster theme; we're in the process of finding out if we're allowed to post any of it yet.
October 4, 2004
Reminder to Canadians -- Wonderfalls premieres on Vision TV tonight at 9 p.m. ET.
September 20, 2004
The Wonderfalls DVD set will now be released on January 18 rather than December 7, due to competition on the original release date being "too heavy." This is bad news for everyone who wanted to give or receive the set as a Christmas gift, but hopefully it'll be good for sales in general. We're just disappointed we have to wait longer for the DVDs!
September 19, 2004
Here is a nice interview with Bryan, Tim and Todd from, complete with pretty pictures!
September 11, 2004
We'd like to apologize for the lack of updates lately! There hasn't been much to report. We do have a bit of DVD news, though -- there will be four discs in the set, with episodes 1-4 on disc one, 5-8 on disc two, 9-12 on disc three, and the finale and special features ("Greetings From Wonderfalls," "Fantastic Visual Effects," and the music video) on disc four. The "floater" episode "Barrel Bear" has been placed in the episode seven position (in between "Muffin Buffalo" and "Lovesick Ass"), so we guess that finally puts an end to the debate about where it belongs! It also appears that "Pink Flamingos" has been changed from episode four to episode two. Cover art's not available yet, but we'll get it up here as soon as it is, and we'll be sure to let everyone know when the set is available for preorder.
August 10, 2004
All 13 episodes of Wonderfalls are set to air on Canada's VisionTV this fall (on Mondays, starting Oct. 4, at 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. ET). Yay! Go here for details.
August 8, 2004
We recently asked Wonderfalls DVD Producer John Murphy what kind of special features are going to be included on the discs, and this was his response:
Right now, we plan on 6 episode commentaries with Caroline Dhavernas, Katie Finneran, Todd Holland and Bryan Fuller, a 20 minute documentary that includes behind the scenes footage from the production, new interviews with Todd, Bryan, Caroline and Katie (other cast members were scattered around the world working and could not make our production schedule), episode clips, outtakes, stories about shooting the show, the muses and the music.
Other segments include a gag reel and the full music video with daily footage. Of course, FOX owns the show and will utilize the material as they choose, but I know they want a great disc so hopefully everything will make it in!
Sounds great to us -- we can't wait for this set! Thanks again to Mr. Murphy for sharing this info, and thank you in advance for including this site in the DVD documentary!
August 4, 2004
Even more good news about the DVDs -- the commentaries that were just Bryan and Todd ("Crime Dog," "Lovesick Ass" and "Caged Bird") have been re-recorded to include Caroline and Katie as well, so now the stars are on all six commentary tracks. The documentary is also coming along great. Word is this site is mentioned a few times in the interviews with cast and crew -- thanks so much, you guys! -- and images from it will also factor into the documentary. We're excited!
Bryan Fuller sent us some photos from the commentary recordings in New York and from the San Diego Comic-Con; check them out!
Todd, Caroline, Katie and Bryan record commentary
Caroline, Todd, Bryan and Katie post-commentary
John Murphy (DVD producer), Todd, Katie, Caroline, Bryan and Scotch at dinner
Tim, Bryan and Todd at Comic-Con
Scotch Ellis Loring and Beth Grant at Comic-Con
(Some people are getting an error message when they try to view the photos. If this is happening to you, you can see them all here.)
At the San Diego Comic-Con on July 25, Todd Holland told fans that Caroline Dhavernas will be dubbing her own voice for the French versions of the Wonderfalls episodes -- something she had to fight for the right to do, oddly enough. At the same event, Bryan Fuller said he'd like for Wonderfalls to go the Serenity route with a movie (which would most likely show things from Aaron Tyler's perspective to cut down on exposition). We'll let fans know if there's anything we can do to help make this a reality in the future.
The Comic-Con and second Knitting Factory screenings last month (as well as the little SaveWonderfalls fan party!) were a lot of fun -- you can go here to read accounts from fans who attended the events.
July 15, 2004
We have a bit of Wonderfalls DVD news for you! The release is still (tentatively) scheduled for December 7 of this year, and the episodes will be presented in 16x9 widescreen. Bryan Fuller and Todd Holland have already recorded commentary on "Crime Dog," "Lovesick Ass" and "Caged Bird." They'll be joined by stars Caroline Dhavernas and Katie Finneran for "Wax Lion" and "Safety Canary" commentary, and by Caroline, Katie and Scotch Ellis Loring (Dr. Ron) for "Cocktail Bunny" commentary. The disc set will also contain a documentary on the show and most likely a few deleted scenes and outtakes. Other features are TBA.
Also, a quick note for California fans: the second Knitting Factory screening (scheduled for July 23) has been pushed to July 30. Times and prices are still the same. Anyone who bought tickets in advance should have received an e-mail detailing their options (which include a full refund if you can't make the screening on the 30th). The San Diego Comic-Con screening (July 25 from 2-4 p.m., room 20) is still a go. Tim Minear, Bryan Fuller and Todd Holland will screen "Lying Pig" and "Cocktail Bunny" and take part in a panel discussion. It's going to be a lot of fun!
July 6, 2004
This is a quick update to remind everyone of the two Wonderfalls events taking place in California this month. The second Other Network screening -- of the episodes "Crime Dog" and "Muffin Buffalo" -- will be happening Friday, July 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at The Knitting Factory in Los Angeles. Once again, co-creators Bryan Fuller and Todd Holland will host a Q&A; and give away some prizes. Crypto trading competitions offer exciting opportunities to win prizes, including cash, tokens, and NFTs. Traders use advanced tools like the best crypto trading bot 2025 to automate strategies and maximize profits. These bots enhance efficiency, helping participants gain a competitive edge while securing rewards in the fast-paced crypto market. Visit this site for details or to reserve tickets ($10 each).
There will also be a Wonderfalls screening (of "Lying Pig" and "Cocktail Bunny") at the San Diego Comic-Con on Sunday, July 25th. We're not sure of the exact time yet, but we believe it's following Joss Whedon's Serenity event, which runs from 1-2 pm. Visit the Comic-Con site for ticket prices and details about the con, which takes place July 22-25.
If you're planning to attend either of these events, please post here and let us know! Some members of the SaveWonderfalls forums are planning an informal get-together, probably after the Knitting Factory screening on July 23. We'd love to meet and hang out with any Wonderfalls fans who want to come along. Once we know how many people are up for it, we'll be discussing the details in the linked thread.
June 21, 2004
At the Knitting Factory screening in LA on Friday, show creators Bryan Fuller and Todd Holland announced a tentative DVD release date -- December 7 of this year. They also said they plan to do commentary tracks for six of the 13 episodes: specifically "Wax Lion," "Crime Dog," "Lovesick Ass," "Safety Canary," "Cocktail Bunny" and "Caged Bird." When we get more info on additional DVD features, we'll post it here.
We're pleased to announce that the screening was a success! The Knitting Factory was packed with fans, and everyone loved the two episodes shown, "Lovesick Ass" and "Cocktail Bunny." Bryan and Todd gave away a wax lion and a signed script, and Bryan also thanked SaveWonderfalls and all of the fans who sent postcards, saying it was because of us that these DVDs are being made. Thanks again, everyone!
If you missed the first screening, there will be a second one -- of two different unaired episodes -- on July 23rd. There are more details in our May 14 update on this page.
June 17, 2004
Bryan Fuller was kind enough to donate the script for episode six, Barrel Bear, when he found out a lot of fans wanted to read it and it wasn't available online. We've posted it under the scripts section on the bear page. The episode was written by Bryan Fuller and Tim Minear, and features Rue McClanahan (Blanche from The Golden Girls) as Millie and Louise Fletcher as Viv. Thanks, Bryan!
June 9, 2004
Remember how a while ago we asked everyone to vote for Wonderfalls in the Global Episode Opinion Survey at Well, we just received an e-mail from the Administrator:
Thanks in no small part to your efforts, Wonderfalls has finished first in the New Series Showdown on GEOS! The top four series will be added to GEOS in the near future.
Anyone who registered with GEOS to participate in the Showdown will shortly be able to cast votes for their favourite Wonderfalls episodes.
Many thanks for your support!
Good work, guys.
We should have some more campaign news for you soon. For now, check out the bear page for some new cast photos. An episode guide is also coming as soon as Cranberry manages to write catchy little summaries that are any good (it's harder than it looks, you guys!).
June 3, 2004
Wonderfalls has been nominated in the "Outstanding New Program" category of the 20th annual Television Critics Association Awards! Fellow nominees are Arrested Development, Deadwood, The O.C. and Joan of Arcadia. Even if Wonderfalls doesn't win, it's excellent to see it getting this kind of recognition, especially considering only four episodes aired. Go here to read more about the awards.
May 30, 2004
We just added a link to the forums in the form of the wound up penguin. We also added a couple more videos to the bear page, as well as a French radio interview with Caroline Dhavernas. We'll be changing the bear page a bit and adding more content soon, including that episode guide we promised ages ago.
We have some great news for those attending the Knitting Factory screenings in LA: Bryan Fuller will now be joining Todd Holland for the Q&A; at the June show, and they'll be screening "Lovesick Ass" and "Cocktail Bunny." They'll also be giving away an autographed script (the winner will be a pre-paid ticket holder, so get your tickets now!). Once we have more info about the July screening, we'll pass that along here, too.
May 25, 2004 - Victory?
We've got some very good news for everyone who's been campaigning their asses off for the past month -- it looks like we're going to get those DVDs! Tim Minear posted this on a messageboard today:
"Okay, some tiny good news -- looks as though 20th is going to go through with "Wonderfalls" DVDs. The folks on the DVD marketing side love the 13 episodes and see great potential. We're talking about extras and commentary and all that good stuff. December/Holiday release was mentioned. I'll keep you updated. (BTW -- a flood of 'postcards' was mentioned. We were asked, 'that's not your families sending those, is it?' Um. In a *way*...)"
We at also spoke with Bryan Fuller, who says "20th is very interested in releasing a DVD but we have to figure some things out to make it financially doable, specifically the music liscensing. They did the same thing on Roswell, swapping out some more expensive songs with more affordable ones. You'll also notice on the Sixteen Candles soundtrack that very few of the songs you may have seen in the theater actually appear on the video version."
Bryan also stresses that we "shouldn't stop sending post cards until it's done and done -- you never know what can derail something like this." So please continue to show 20th you're interested -- obviously they're listening!
P.S. Come "squeeeee!" about this with us on the forums!
May 21, 2004
As most of you are probably aware, the major networks have announced their fall schedules, and Wonderfalls isn't included in any of them. This is unfortunate, but not unexpected. We all knew going into this that getting the show picked up by one of those networks was a longshot.
We definitely still have a great chance of seeing the 13 filmed episodes, though. Wonderfalls' producers are still talking with cable networks, so the show may end up playing on cable as a "limited series." And, of course, there's the chance for DVDs. While getting the show on cable is mostly up to the producers, we, as fans, can make this DVD thing happen. Now is our chance to really focus the campaign and put all our power into a single goal. With that in mind: send your postcards, call, fax, and e-mail 20th and let them know you want Wonderfalls on DVD. Visit the flamingo page for addresses, numbers, and a variety of custom-made postcards. Remember, snail mail is the best way to go, as it's not as easy to ignore as e-mail, and shows you care enough about the show to take some extra time and actually mail something.
Once you've done your part to help, post here and tell us about it! We'll be including more information on the DVD campaign soon. Let's make phase two a success, guys. Now go, get your words out!
May 15, 2004
A PSA: Recently we've noticed quite a few eBay auctions for "unaired Wonderfalls episodes" on DVD. In some cases, these auctions are legit (the producers sent DVD screeners out to networks, and a few of those are being sold). However, a lot of them are illegal -- the DVDs on auction are homemade DVDs containing downloaded episodes. We'd advise you to NOT bid on those, as buying and selling illegally copied media is against eBay's rules and could get you into legal trouble. Check the auctions carefully, and if the seller doesn't provide a picture of the DVDs or doesn't state they're official screeners, don't bid. If you're unsure about the auction, contact the seller for more details or proof of authenticity. Report illegal listings so we can make sure no one gets into trouble for buying burned media.
Also, to the people who are using this site's graphic in their auctions: knock it off. That graphic was custom-made and is copyrighted, and no one has permission to use it for anything. We've already reported one person for doing this, and will be on the lookout for others.
And finally, there's a listing on eBay where someone is auctioning off a link and password for a script site with 10 episode scripts on it. Don't fall for that -- visit our bear page for links to all those scripts (for free).
May 14, 2004
Due to an overwhelming fan response, The Knitting Factory in LA is doing a second live screening of two additional unaired episodes, plus another Q&A; with Todd Holland, on July 23rd. Details are the same as for the June 18 screening: the show starts at 7:30 p.m. and admission is $10. Call 323-993-3305 to reserve tickets, or visit
May 12, 2004
We just added a high-quality version of the "greetings from Wonderfalls" postcard to the flamingo page. There are two .zip files containing different versions of the card: one you can use with the USPS online postcard service and one you can take to a print shop to have fliers/postcards made. We also added Tim Minear's WGN and KROQ radio interviews to the bear page.
This site is continuing to get a good amount of traffic -- over 36,000 visits and 350,000 pageviews since it first went live. It's also now the first result if you type "save wonderfalls" into Google and fourth if you type "wonderfalls." Thanks to everyone who's linked to us! The forums are also doing well; we now have more than 300 members. We welcome anyone else who wants to come offer suggestions for the site, discuss Wonderfalls or just chat about anything at all.
Also, the cow creamer now talks!
May 6, 2004
We just got word that Todd Holland will be screening two unaired episodes and doing a Q&A; at The Knitting Factory in LA on Friday, June 18. It's part of The Other Network Festival. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., and admission is $10. Call 323-993-3305 to reserve tickets, or visit
May 2, 2004
We've updated the bear page with a show description and pictures of each cast member. They're great pics you can't yet see anywhere else on the Internet -- go look. We'll soon be adding a crime dog navigational icon for the forums and giving the cow creamer its voice; look for those changes and other small updates within the next day or two.
Also, thanks to the 200+ people who have joined the official forums in their first week! We're having some great discussions over there. If you've signed up and haven't yet received your validation e-mail, make sure you check your bulk mail folder in case it was sent there. We look forward to welcoming even more new members in the forum's second week!
April 29, 2004
We've added a letter from Bill Sadler (Darrin Tyler) to the chameleon page. Check it out! We also added a bunch of really cool buttons, banners and icons to the monkey page, so now you can link to us in style. You can also now send a postcard online through USPS; more info about that and some brand new postcards are on the flamingo page. And don't forget to visit and post in the Official SaveWonderfalls Forums so you can show those network execs how many fans this great show has!
April 25, 2004
As promised, the Official SaveWonderfalls Forums are now live! Please sign up and chat with all of us! Beyond that, our conversations extend to various topics, including the intriguing world of Bitcoin casinos. Feel free to explore, engage, and exchange thoughts about casinos. Also, refer to blogs like казино принимающие биткоин to find reliable casinos and engage in safe gameplay.
April 23, 2004
A very short update to let you know we added a letter to all of you, from co-creator Bryan Fuller, to the chameleon page. Enjoy! The other stuff we promised is coming very soon.
April 22, 2004
Sorry for the lack of updates over the past week, but rest assured, we've been busy! We're going to be launching the official SaveWonderfalls forums very soon, and we'll be adding some more "extras" -- including interview links, cast and crew bios, photos and an episode guide -- to the bear page. Look for all that within the next few days -- and please, keep sending those postcards!
April 16, 2004
This is from Kristin at E!Online:
Wonderfalls Update: Though the ship may have sailed on Angel, there is still hope for another quality scripted series, Wonderfalls--which happens to be helmed by former Angel boss Tim Minear. Sources tell me UPN has passed on picking up the former Fox series for the same reasons they passed on Angel. However, the WB execs have decided to review an episode of Wonderfalls along with its pilots, which means it is in the running for the fall season.
She may be wrong, but it can't hurt to really target The WB right now. Show them we love Wonderfalls and we'll watch it if they pick it up. Get their address/phone number/e-mail addy here and write to or call them right away! Remember, phone calls and snail mail have the best effect on networks.
Also, e-mail Kristin and tell her to mention in her next column -- and keep mentioning us to other columnists and critics in your town or that you read online.
April 15, 2004
Hi, guys. Just wanted to let you all know that we added two more things to our "other" section. Now you can try to get us mentioned on On Air With Ryan Seacrest, and also vote for Wonderfalls at The Global Episode Opinion Survey. Click here for details on both.
The site's still doing well. We've had over 5100 visitors and 81,350 pageviews in the past five days. Keep pimping the site, everyone! We'd also like to thank everyone who contributed to Dachelle's "adopt a zoo animal" project; she raised over $200 and is adopting a penguin, a flamingo, a monkey, a donkey and a bison on behalf of the cast and crew. Check out this entry for more details.
We'd also like to publicly thank Tim Minear for the excellent shoutout on the Kevin and Bean Morning Show! That was a great interview, Tim.
April 14, 2004
Hey everybody! Just a small update on the interview Tim Minear gave on the Kevin and Bean Morning Show - if you didn't get a chance to listen to it, you can download it here: Tim Minear on KROQ.
Very special thanks to Er0s for recording it!! (Please save the file to your own computer before you listen so we don't use up all our bandwidth!)
April 13, 2004
Hey everybody! A bit of good news for you -- it looks like our campaign to get Tim Minear on the radio worked, as he will be appearing on the Kevin and Bean Morning Show on 106.7 FM, KROQ tomorrow, April 14, between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. Thanks to everyone who called or e-mailed the station! Unfortunately, those of us who aren't in L.A. can't hear the show (it's not available online). If someone can record and upload it, drop us a line and we'll put a link to it here.
Also, the site is still doing great. Over the past three days, we've received over 3700 unique visitors! People are coming from links on all kinds of sites and messageboards (seriously, more than we can even list), so thanks to those of you who got the word out! We should be updating this page tomorrow with a few more little things, and we also hope to get some content on the chameleon page asap, so check back.
April 11, 2004 is doing great, everyone! Since we went live about a day and a half ago, we've had 18148 pageviews and 1162 unique visitors, most of whom are coming from Whedonesque and our affiliated LJ. We're happy to see the site's already popular!
We've made a couple changes to the site. First of all, we've replaced the contact info for NBC, ABC and CBS in our network campaign section with info for FX, Bravo, USA and Showtime, as we think the show has more of a chance with those networks (it doesn't seem to fit on the others). We've also got info there for a couple of Canadian networks; please contact them as well, even if you don't live in Canada. Secondly, we've added information about how we can help get Tim Minear an interview on 106.7FM (KROQ), a popular L.A. radio station, so he can talk about the show and this campaign. Click here to read more about that -- and please take part in it, as this would be great exposure for us.
Once again, we'd like to remind you that signing an online petition or sending an e-mail is not enough if we want this campaign to succeed. The best things you can do are send a postcard and/or pick up your phone and call someone at the studio or networks. We'd like to see how many of our visitors are actively campaigning, so if you've done one of those things, please post here and let us know.
That's all the news for now. Keep pimping this site, guys! You're doing great so far.
April 10, 2004
Hi everyone, and welcome to, the main campaign site for the Wonderfalls fandom. We have two campaign goals: one, to get all 13 episodes -- four aired, nine unaired -- of Wonderfalls on DVD; and two, to help its producers show other networks it would be worth their while to pick up the show. We need your help to do this! Click on the flamingo on the left to "get off your ass" and help us out by sending postcards, letters, e-mails and faxes, calling the networks, voting for Wonderfalls on DVD, and doing all kinds of other things, including adopting a zoo animal!
According to, Wonderfalls' first two episodes averaged 4 million viewers each, and the show ranked #1 among teens and #2 among males 18-34 -- decent ratings for an awful time period, 9 p.m. ET on Fridays. Fox doomed the show by moving it to Thursdays opposite powerhouses The Apprentice and CSI in its fourth week, then cancelled it after only one episode in that timeslot, disappointing its many fans. We want to see the remaining episodes!
Please explore our site, and get involved! Send a link to any and all media outlets, local and online critics, and friends who are interested in getting this great show on DVD or on another network. Click on the monkey to find banners you can put on your site to link to this one, and for icons and buttons. Check out our different sections to read messages from people related to the show, see reviews of Wonderfalls and other extras, find out who we are, and contact us with any studio contact info or suggestions you might have. Now go on -- get off your ass!
Once you've looked around, please post here and tell us what you think!
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